So M2M content is officially migrated…

All that’s left is to point the name server to my new site on Sunday (for you non-webbie folks, that means when you click on, you will go to my new site instead of this old one).

Because I went from to .org, though, there will probably be a couple hiccups along the way, which I am trying to sort out before Sunday. Unfortunately one thing I CANNOT transfer is those of you who follow me here on WordPress without your email. If that is you, will you PRETTY PLEASE visit my new, temporary site here and either follow me on WP over there or sign up to receive my posts via email?

Thank you so much! I have loved this last year of being on, it was a great place for me to start. However, M2M has scaled beyond’s capabilities and I am ready to take the plunge into self-hosted .org! I hope you will join me on Monday for the huge celebratory giveaway in honor of this big move and thank you for your readership!

Happy weekend!!!


Thank you for the surveys and stories coming in! AND…We have Facebook/Twitter pages!

It is so exciting to read the stories and surveys pouring in, thank you so much for your interest and support! I hope to be able to share some of them as well as feature some amazing guest posts from a few inspirational parenting experts very soon! Please be sure to like M2M on Facebook at and follow on Twitter @made2mother!

I know it is such a busy time of year for everyone right now. People have trees, gifts, vacation or SNOW on their minds right now, so I am planning on kicking this thing into high gear after the new year. Thank you again for your help in making this a success. I cannot wait to see where God will take the M2M Project in 2014!

Have a safe and blessed Advent season,
