FATHERS Make Us Better Mothers: A Father’s Day Tribute

If you’ve been around this blog much, you know by now how I love to sing the praises of women’s call by God to be mothers. The women who have been mothers to us, and how we mother others…mother, mother, mother! BUT, as we approach this weekend to celebrate FATHERS, I just want to take a little moment and pay tribute to my favorite fathers. Wanna join me and honor your favorite fathers? Please do so in the comments below and be sure to share, tag and forward it on to them!

First and foremost, I need to give a shout out to the love of my life and father of my children, Jonathan. I seriously would not be the mother I am without him. In fact, because of who this man is as a FATHER, I am a better mother! So, here are the top ten things l0ve about or am grateful to him for:

  1. Your hard work allows me to stay home and raise our precious offspring
  2. You taught me the beauty of hot dogs and corn dogs with MUSTARD. oh yum!
  3. You do not think it makes you less manly to say “I love you,” “I’m sorry,” do housework or even cry when the situation calls for it
  4. You’re such a giving person, you can never keep things a surprise or a secret from me for long before they just burst out of you!
  5. Your incredible passion, talent and mastery of craft brewing!
  6. You take such excellent care of our home, the yard, our finances and all our technology devices
  7. Your hilarious ability to turn anything into a silly song about poo
  8. You taught me to love and be successful at gardening
  9. Your ridiculous love of mariachi and reggae music
  10. You love me forever and always!


Second, I have a terrific father of my own that raised me. The top five things I love about him are:

  1. He loves to ask “is everybody happy?”
  2. His incredibly positive and generous outlook on life
  3. He still calls me squeaker
  4. How athletic and active he is
  5. His unending love for all his family and friends


Finally, nearly nine years ago, I met the man that would become my father-in-love and my children’s Papa. Here are his top five:

  1. Despite being a very tall and intimidating cop, he’s a big ole softy teddy bear!
  2. His love of tending his lawns, yard and garden
  3. How he is not afraid to tell his children and grandchildren just how much he loves them
  4. He calls everyone dear to him “hun”
  5. How he makes me want him to be proud of me, just as if he were my own, flesh-and-blood dad!


So, there you have it! Happy Father’s Day weekend. Now, do you have a tribute you’d like to give to the dads in your own life? Leave them a message here!
